
new york city

bryan and i went to nyc for the weekend. it's one of my favorite cities in the world and it was great being back. it's pretty much a giant version of downtown chicago. if i were to ever move there, i would have to live in hell's kitchen because it is perf.

me in times square.
bryan by radio city after seeing zarkana.

night in time square.
times square.
lisa, me and coco in chelsea.

30 rock.

bryan in vinyl, my favorite restaurant.


sarah michelle gellar's new job

the mini-trailer was dumb. the poster makes it look semi-decent. richard alpert redeems it a tad.
the cw will suck this season.


green lantern #67 ending

SPOILER: this is my most favoritest comic book page from the past few months. 
so dramatic and simple.


green lantern: the animated series hal jordan maquette

green lanterns versus krona

awesome art from green lantern #67.


fave marvel september 2011 solicits

 this one is just plain interesting.

 was wonder man gone? is wonder man back? i should read all those avengers books...

 if i was spider-man, i'd wear this costume.

 ultimate x-men vol. 2 reminds me of DCnU. oh wait, DCnU is ultimate dc universe.

when is fear itself over? colossus does look cool...sorta.

the dark knight rises, bitches


fave dc september 2011 cover solicits

 barbara is back as batgirl and i can't decide if i like it. poor stephanie.

 captain atom looks pretty sweet. i want to see how they redo his character.

 joker is still a creep.

 a bloody green lantern fist? i'm guessing its hal's.

 nightwing. in red. not blue. not batman. wha happened?

who are all these characters? i do love wonder girl's costume.



a missing stargirl and S.T.R.I.P.E in the DCnU 52.