
ant-man character posters

these are pretty neat. love the wasp one!

see the rest over at screen rant.


a very green lantern september

so many great covers to celebrate the 75th anniversary of one of my favorite DC comics characters, green lantern. check out all of them on ign.


fave september 2015 marvel comics solicit covers

this is awesome.

daisy takes the cover. bravo to S.H.I.E.L.D.


fave september 2015 dc comics solicit covers

mera is always up to no good.

the detective comics covers always amaze me.

great effect with just three colors.


new batman costume

jim gordon, a 46-year-old man, looks pretty hip in his new batman costume. it's way better than the armored suit which resembles a bunny.

more information over on business insider.


all-new, all-different...again?

so, how long will this reboot last? i don't mind spider-gwen sticking around at all! the wall street journal has some more on the new marvel universe.


well duh, ant-man

we all knew that marvel wasn't going to miss the opportunity to connect ant-man to the cinematic universe. can't wait to see this one!


big changes to "star wars"

just a new minor character was introduced. no big. doesn't mess with star wars continuity though since it was reset. i wonder if she will have a movie appearance!

read more at ew.


fall trailers for shows i'm giving a try

besides legends of tomorrow, heroes reborn and supergirl, these are the shows i'm going to check out this fall: