

iron man 3

the trailer is here and it is amazing. i hope pepper puts on an iron man suit!


fave january 2013 marvel comics solicit covers

just sweet.

is this the hunger games?

so artsy.

can't describe my obsession with this. so cool.

i don't know if i love the artwork. i just want my young avengers back.

can't be a secret when mr. fantastic stands out.


mika obsessed

i'm loving the new mika album.
emily is my new favorite jam.


fave january 2013 dc comics solicit covers

 this is creepy as hell!

 the joker covers the last few months have been so insane!

oh hey, new green lantern duds.



agent coulson to return!

i hope coulson returns as the vision in the new S.H.I.E.L.D tv series.
that'd be sweet and so comic book-y.


don't worry

my first grade halloween costume still fits.
pretty glad i still have the dracula donatello ninja turtle costume and my bestie, imin.


you've redeemed yourself, glee

i'm emotionally attached to 'the scientist.' 
this cover is perfect.


everybody hates...

the new 52.

 what a disaster on dc's part. don't put polls on the internet after you revamp.

bleeding cool has the story on a great facebook pool done by dc comics.


thanks, old navy

 you've got me obsessed again with the best backstreet boys video ever...again.