
i'm moving to jurassic world

this is a documentary, right?
my second grade self is screaming right now!


fave february 2015 marvel comics solicit covers

how has this cover not been done before?

nova is so tiny and bad ass.

i don't know if i love the art more or the fact that it's spider-gwen.

random romance, but totally into it. let's put the guardians in every book.


fave february 2015 dc comics solicit covers

 love cliff chiang.

 so dramatic.

so much batgirl. love it.

 a little kingdom come comes to the new 52.

so silly and childish.


looking season two

this is the most perfectest teaser.
can't wait for the full trailer.


girls season four

i really want to see how iowa plays into the story. i'm simply intrigued!


this is everything

so many marvel and dc comics movies taking over the big screen the next few years.
i am geeking out!

read more over at ign.



my favorite song on the bleachers album is now the next single
so perfect.